to be wealthy....
I began reading a book today, "The natural history of The Rich - a field guide" by richard conniff. Very interesting. I've only read the intro and half of the first chapter, but I've already found something I like, on disucssing what 'wealth' means, how to define 'wealth', one opionion was:
"He defined wealth essentially as contentment with your lot: "My opionion of wealth is to be able to own whatever it is you have, at whatever level. If you have $50 million and you're racing around bloddy well killing yourself and basically a slave to that which you are striving for, I would not count that as wealth in any shape or form"".
I like that. I make the decision and I choose to own whatever it is I have. I will not live a slave to the bank.
"He defined wealth essentially as contentment with your lot: "My opionion of wealth is to be able to own whatever it is you have, at whatever level. If you have $50 million and you're racing around bloddy well killing yourself and basically a slave to that which you are striving for, I would not count that as wealth in any shape or form"".
I like that. I make the decision and I choose to own whatever it is I have. I will not live a slave to the bank.