Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Death is change

My tarot reading today:

"In the professional realm, try to make the best of the ideas and inspirations that come to you. Under the influence of Death and Judgement your mind is very alert, and your intuition sharp and accurate. It would be unsurprising therefore if you came up with some truly original suggestions today, and it would be a great shame to let it go unnoticed. You have what it takes to work out a strategy that will give you more freedom, while at the same time providing better revenue or income. So, it's well worth giving it some thought."

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

how can it be?

How can it be that it has been so long since i posted? It's been a hell of a month! The past 3 weeks have been very challenging and difficult. I havent written, but I should have.
My aunty died. On the day of her funeral, my son turned 10. My son had an emotional difficult time. My daughter told horrible lies that hurt people close to me. I broke up with my partner. We got back together. We nearly broke up again and sat talking for 6 hours till 3am in the morning until we worked it out. We DO love each other. I got sick, really sick for a week, fought a virus and slept for a whole week. I had some brilliant new ideas for my business "indigo angels". I graduated and am now a Reiki Master Healer!!!!!! Yes!!!

Its been very challenging. I have learnt alot about myself and others. I am now a stronger and wiser person.

Wow, alot has happened in the past 3 weeks. Wow. I survived.