Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I did my best

I havent been near a computer for 9 days. My nana passed away last week; Last week I attended court and had to stand in the witness box and speak (OMG it was scary) - only hours after being given the news of my nana, it was hard. I had two meetings with my solictior - yuk. I got sick... and I had to attend a funeral. I had to face relatives that I hadnt seen in years, I had to face relatives that I didnt want to see, I had to keep an eye on my brother and make sure he was ok in his grieving. I had to grieve myself. A very difficult week!

My dads mum died. My dad died only 8 months ago. It is hard losing another connection to him so soon, while I still grieve over the loss of my dad. Its hard losing a nana who I wish I'd spent more time with, phoned more.... I forgive myself. I did my best.

These challenges are opportunites for growth. I have gained new insights, new knowlege and a greater strength through them. Life gets better each and every day.

Smile :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear of your loss, Linda Marie. But I hope you will continue to fight to smile.

2:58 PM  

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