Thursday, December 14, 2006

same old walls again

And so I am at work again today, staring at the same old walls. the computer is my window, the internet displays infinite possibilities, exciting colours and dreams waiting to be explored...

The wallls are white with light blue trimmings. The white is a cold white, stark, and dirty. The light blue is icy cold, a colour that portrays illness, lifeless. The grey carpet is, well its grey, but its dirty and worn and old. With mission brown door handles and shelves on the walls straight out of the 1970s. Empty shelves with a couple of fallen folders - depressing. The air is cold in here, it is 30 degrees outside - sunny and hot, but here I sit with a jumper on and tense muscles to keep warm.

Yes, a wonderful colourful world awaits me, it is beckoning me to it. Christmas is very close now, then a camping holiday in the great outdoors, freedom, at one with the elements. It will be hard to come back to this place.


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