Thursday, November 02, 2006


Why do I allow people to throw shit at me? Why do I allow them to accuse me of things I did not do? Why do I allow them to make their own assumptions about me and my life without finding out the truth? Why do I allow them to verbally punch me in the guts where it hurts most? Why do I just smile and say nothing whilst feeling the anger inside me? Why do I then express that anger to someone else? Why do I not throw the frustations, lies and anger straight back at them, when I should? Why do I not put them back in their place and stand up for myself?

Because I'm too nice. Because I am not a bitch. Because I am not going to argue and play childish bully games like they do. Because I am better than that, and I deserve better. Because I feel compassion and I forgive people. Because in the end it doesnt really matter what they think or believe, it is what I know and how I live my life.

Fuck them!


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