Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Thankyou to Rosanna for prompting me to write. You know, each and every day I want to write on this blog. I dont have time each and every day, wish I did. My life is very busy and complex at the moment, although I am working very hard on making it simpler, each day I get closer to a more simple life. Unfortunately it involves my solicitor, tons of legal documents, and many court room visits that are lined up over the next few months. But yes, each day I get closer to my goal.

I am excited about the future. Excited about the day this complexity is sorted and complete. Excited about the day when I can throw myself fully into new ventures and goals in life.

So today (and all these current days) I work on the past - clearing up the mess, dealing with the ugly prick rearing its ugly head; I work on the present - running a household, being the best mum I can be, enjoying time with my new love, and enduring my job; I work on the future - a new career, a business owner, a published writer, fullfilling all my dreams

I am writing my book, it is a constant focus I have now, I wish I had more time for it. But I'm doing the best I can right now. A publisher will land on my door step one day soon! And in the year 2008 my book will be a published best seller!! Wish me luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are welcome :) I love to know you're writing and can't wait to read your book!

10:11 PM  

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