Monday, March 06, 2006

The weeds and black holes...

They say 'if you ignore it, it will go away'. Is there really any truth in this? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Sometimes it does never go away, sometimes it needs to be stamped out instead of ignored. It is hard to ignore somethings, and it is those things that hurt you the most that you need to ignore the most.
But what do you do when if you ignore it it simply keeps coming, like the silence is acting as a permission for it to continue. Doing nothing is building it in itself. Well, if I'm not punished, then it must be ok.

How do you completely ignore it? Sure, on the physical level, you dont react to it, dont mention it, dont make any physical change in your body in response to it. But on the mental level.... it is harder to ignore. It rings in your head, it is there, your mind cant ignore it, but instead becomes angry that it is still occuring and has to try to ignore once again.

Forgivness is there for us to use, to release it from our minds, allowing our minds to ignore it and be free. But what if they really shouldnt be doing what they are doing, what you are trying to ignore. It is not acceptable at all in any circumstance. And what if they dont see that they are doing wrong?

How many hundreds of times can you ignore and forgive the same person, the same abuse each and every week?

So if you tell them to stop, you are giving them fuel to do more and to abuse you even more, fuel to tell you how you are wrong not them and that you deserve it and that you have no right to tell them to stop. And if you again ignore it, they smile in knowing that you are again tormented by it in silence.

And living in the NOW, the present, it is the same as ignoring, and some people just take an ignore as permission to continue (since no one stopped them). You can only ignore it for so long.

Some people do not need positive feed back or nutring to continue on. Some people are the weeds, they'll keep on growing even knowing that they are not wanted. They thrive on neglect,
because they know they are being seen and noticed and that is enough. They take their water and food from the pretty flowers near by and grow taller and stronger than them. And as soon as you pluck them out (which is giving them even more attention) as their thorns pierce your heart, their seeds are already breaking free in multiples and they are stronger again, stronger than they ever were as one.

How many hundreds of times can you ignore and forgive the same person, the same abuse each and every week? How is that I can escape it for ever?

"Treat them as you want to be treated", and what if they just dont get it? How long can you throw light and love at someone only to watch it absorbed into the black hole and make them stronger. Please help me.


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